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Wicked Games


Performative Experiments

09 | 2015 – 02 | 2016

Teaching ›Exhibitions outside the Museum‹ at HSNR.

05 | 2015

Workshop ›Autopsy of Things‹ at HSNR. 

03 | 2015 – 07 | 2015

Teaching ›Ensouled Objects‹ at HSNR. 

07 | 2015

Talk ›Design between Anthropomorphism and Animism‹ at Symposium ›Beseelte Dinge‹, HSNR. 

09 | 2014 – 02 | 2015

Teaching ›What do pictures want?‹ at HSNR.  

11 | 2014

Talk ›Deconstructed Denotations. Ambiguous and ensouled Artifacts‹ at Critical Media Lab, FHNW Basel.

03 | 2014 – 07 | 2014

Teaching ›Design Criticism‹ at HSNR.  

09 | 2013 – 02 | 2014

Teaching ›From Irony to Post-Irony. Strategies between humour and sincerety‹ at HSNR. 

09 | 2012

Moderation of the debate ›Ausstellen, Kunst vermitteln oder Kuratieren?‹ at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf.

10 | 2011 – 02 | 2012

Teaching ›Mobilty Concepts‹ at KISD. The concept ›WeCharge‹ won the first prize at the competition ›Charging Station of the Future‹ of Fraunhofer IAO.

09 | 2011

Talk ›Designing between Utopia and Dystopia‹ at the symposium of ÖkoRAUSCH

05 | 2011

Teaching ›Invisible City. Possible Realities in an urban District of Cologne‹. Results were exhibited during popdesignfestival 2011. 


Experimental Empathy

Article about Animism


Co-editorship of compilation

Talks | Teaching | Events

08 | 2016

International Seminar ›Theatre in Design‹, University of Southern Denmark.

03 | 2016 – 07 | 2016
Teaching ›Exposing. Staging. Arranging‹ at HSNR.

05 | 2016

Talk ›Performative experiments. New modes of Critique and Subjectivity provoked by Design‹ at symposium Grow/Degrow, KISD.

09 | 2015 – 02 | 2016

Teaching ›Exhibitions outside the Museum‹ at HSNR.

01 | 2016
Talk ›Experimental Empathy with Things‹ at KISD.

05 | 2015 – 10 | 2015

Workshop ›Curating‹ at Institute of Art and Art Theory, University of Cologne and supervision of the exhibition ›Virtual Factory‹ at Jack in the Box e.V. 


07 | 2015
Talk ›Design between Anthropomorphism and Animism‹ at Symposium ›Beseelte Dinge‹, HSNR. 

05 | 2015

Workshop ›Autopsy of Things‹ at HSNR

03 | 2015 – 07 | 2015

Teaching ›Ensouled Objects‹ at HSNR


09 | 2014 – 02 | 2015
Teaching ›What do pictures want?‹ at HSNR.  


11 | 2014
Talk ›Deconstructed Denotations. Ambiguous and ensouled Artifacts‹ at Critical Media Lab, FHNW Basel.

03 | 2014 – 07 | 2014

Teaching ›Design Criticism‹ at HSNR.  

09 | 2013 – 02 | 2014

Teaching ›From Irony to Post-Irony. Strategies between humour and sincerety‹ at HSNR

05 | 2014

Talk ›Innovation by Combination. Unexpected Interrelationships in Exhibitions‹ at symposium ›Museum Collections make Connections«, German Maritime Museum.

09 | 2012

Moderation of the debate ›Ausstellen, Kunst vermitteln oder Kuratieren?‹ at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf.

10 | 2011 – 02 | 2012

Teaching ›Mobilty Concepts‹ at KISD. The concept ›WeCharge‹ won the first prize at the competition ›Charging Station of the Future‹ of Fraunhofer IAO.

09 | 2011

Talk ›Designing between Utopia and Dystopia‹ at the symposium of ÖkoRAUSCH

05 | 2011

Teaching ›Invisible City. Possible Realities in an urban District of Cologne‹. Results were exhibited during popdesignfestival 2011. 

08 | 2016

International Seminar ›Theatre in Design‹, University of Southern Denmark.


Urban Exhibition Formats

01 | 2016

Talk ›Experimental Empathy with Things‹ at KISD.

© 2023 Judith Dörrenbächer

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