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Irritating Realities

12 | 2013

The article addresses the potential of utopia and dystopia in design and art projects. Therefore it contributes two aesthetic tactics. The first tactic is the ›tactic of subverting‹ which overdraws already existing utopia to reveal its ideological motivation. The second tactic is the ›tactic of extending‹ which creates parallel realities and liberates the present of its habitualness. 

The article can be read online.


Dörrenbächer, Judith: Irritierende Realitäten oder das Potenzial der Utopie. Ästhetische Taktiken zwischen Kunst und Design. In: Hedinger, Johannes M.; Meyer, Torsten (Eds.): What‘s next? Kunst nach der Krise. Ein Reader. Kulturverlag Kadmos: Berlin 2013, p. 185-189.


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