GINA – Designing Social Robots
09 | 2018 – 12 | 2021
GINA is a project about assistance and social robots, funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany). I not only took the lead of the GINA consortium (partners see below), but also supported and researched eight current German robotics projects over a period of 39 months.
Together with my colleagues of the consortium I conducted more than 70 interviews with these roboticists to identify gaps in research. We came up with several new design approaches, such as the method techno-mimesis or a new ethics workshop for robot designers.
Further, I conceptualized focused workshops for design and robot specialists (e.g. about design fiction, robotic superpowers, hybrid product designs). And – together with my co-lead Diana Löffler – I organized large-scale networking events sometimes for more than 200 roboticists, sometimes online, due to the pandemic.
In GINA we also worked together with citizens – the potential users of the robots to be developed – and artists such as illustrators, actors and fiction authors – who inspired the roboticists and citically reflected their robot concepts.
DLR (German Aerospace Center)
University of Göttingen
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf
User Interface Design GmbH
Johanna Benz
University of Siegen
(Dörrenbächer, Neuhaus, Hassenzahl)
Summary of contents and results of GINA presented by Marc Hassenzahl.